1cP-LSD 100mcg 吸墨纸在线购买
€215 – €9,450
IUPAC 名称: 1-环丙酰-赖氨酸二乙胺
形式 记事本
核磁共振分析: 不适用
1cP-LSD 100mcg 吸墨纸在线购买
如果您有此产品 1cP-LSD 100mcg 印迹纸 购买 25E-NBOH-Blotters-1-2a(无意中)食用,可能会产生严重的医疗后果。MG 在线 |开放的 1cP-LSD 100mcg 记事本 RC Kopen
Responsible Research with 1cP-LSD 100mcg blotters
Always practice responsible research. You should read and educate yourself before undertaking research with any chemical. The Psychonaut Wiki has some very helpful resources and information on 1P-LSD. Never conduct research with a chemical without learning about it first.
What is 1cP-LSD 100mcg blotters?
1cP-LSD 100mcg blotters is a prodrug of LSD and is chemically related to 1cP-LSD, 1V-LSD and AL-LAD. It was first synthesized as a legal-LSD alternative by Lizard Labs, a Netherlands based research chemical laboratory. Many people report almost identical effects to LSD-25 and 1cP-LSD. Although a slightly longer come-up than LSD is common, since 1cP-LSD 100mcg blotters must first be metabolized by the body before LSD-25 enters the bloodstream.
Some of the most commonly reported effects are:
- Stimulation
- Physical euphoria
- Tactile enhancement
- Stamina enhancement
- Appetite suppression
- Bodily control enhancement
Potential Side Effects
- Difficulty urinating
- Excessive yawning
- Nausea
- Increased perspiration
- Muscle contractions
- Pupil dilation
- Increased salivation
- Vasoconstriction – Vasoconstriction may lead to users feeling cold, especially in the extremities
1cP-LSD 100mcg blotters has been made illegal in a number of countries since it came onto the scene. Please pay close attention to your countries laws to make sure you don’t accidentally order an illegal compound!
GRAMS | 50 个螺栓、100 个螺栓、250 个螺栓、500 个螺栓、1000 个螺栓、2500 个螺栓 |