Vásároljon 3D-MXE-t online
€300 - €2,400
IUPAC-név: 2-(etilamino)-2-(3metilfenil)ciklohexanon hcl
Másik név: DMXE
Megjelenés: por
Forma: HCL
Vásároljon 3D-MXE-t online
3D-MXE, also known as 3-FA, is derived from several gefluoreerde analogs, including 2-FMA, 2-FEA, 2-FA, and 4-FMA. We sell 3-FA as powder, weighing 0.75 grams each. This product is not only recommended for underprivileged individuals, but it is also not recommended for consumption. Bewaar het en huisdieren en kinderen, en lees voor het gebruik de veiligheidsvoorschriften op onze website.
Verpacking 3D-MXE
3D-MXE wordt verpackt in zakjes with a variety of colors and styles:
Goud = two, Paars = five, Blauw = ten, Zwart = twenty-five, Zilver = one. RC Shop
We ship all of our products throughout the Netherlands.
Check out the bijsluiter here.
See the chemical information here.
Here at V.I.B.
CAS number: 1626-71-7
További információk
GRAMS | 10 G, 25 G, 50 G, 100 G |
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